Friday, December 5, 2008

Mobile Phones + Driving = ???

Brainstorm some vocabulary about the title above.

Here is an article for you to read.

When you are reading, try to answer the following questions:

  1. What does this this article say about mobile phones and driving?

  2. Where was the study published?

  3. Who did they test in the latest study?

  4. What did the latest study show?

  5. What explanation did the researchers give for the results?

  6. How likely are you to have an accident if you use a mobile phone while you drive?

You can find the answers in the comments section of this post.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Her are the answers to the questions:
1) Mobile phones distract drivers.
2) In the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
3) 96 adults aged 18 to 49 years old.
4) Drivers using a hands free mobile phone drifted out of lanes and missed exits more frequently than drivers talking to a passenger.
5) A passenger is like a second set of eyes.
6) Four times more likely.