This website is a really good resource for any student studying English. It is called howjsay. It works the same way as a dictionary. You enter a word you want to find. Instead of giving the meaning of your word, it will show your word in a pink font. If you put your mouse cursor on the pink word the website will say that word.
How can this website help you improve your English?
You should look up words that are difficult to pronounce. Listen to the pronounciation a few times. Then start trying to pronounce the word as close to the website as you can. This might take you a few tries.
You will need some speakers or headphones to use howjysay.
this site is great!!! it would help everyone with the pronounciation and word class in the same time!
Thank you!!!
Thanks Abdullah. I think it will be very useful for many students.
Nice to see you still look at this blog!
I like it!!!
Good to hear that Gloria. I hope that howjsay continues to add more words and expressions for students.
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