Saturday, October 18, 2008

Commenting: Why should I?

You might have noticed that you can leave comments on Trylingual blog entries. If you haven't noticed, click on the comments part at the end of this entry. 

Comments are a great part of blogs. You can give feedback to the person writes the blog. You can also agree or disagree with other people who have left comment. You could actually have a conversation with them via comments. Isn't the internet great? 

Maybe you want to leave a comment but you don't know what to say. To start with try these ideas:

  1. Tell me what you thought of the material I have posted. Were they interesting or boring? Did they help you or not?
  2. If you have read or listened to something, tell us what you thought. Did you agree with the writer's opinion? What did you learn? Could you understand what were the speakers saying? Why? Or why not?
  3. If you leave a comment, don't worry about your spelling or grammar. No one is going to correct you. The goal here is to communicate with everyone. 
My own personal goal is to try and respond to comments that you leave. Let's see how we do!

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