Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Extending the Human Being via Robotics

Here is a very interesting lecture about the future of robotics.

Please note that you may have trouble downloading this lecture if your bandwidth speed is slow.

"While you may be familiar with commercial applications of robotics that improve our efficiency, like the Roomba, or toy robots that entertain and teach children, like Robosapien, there are a number of directions of robotics research that seek to extend human capabilities. This talk will discuss surgical robots, rehabilitation robots, and new applications of robotics for motor learning that have great potential. Applications range from enabling remote surgery, rehabilitating sufferers of stroke and spinal cord injury, speeding the acquisition of new motor skills, and potentially training amputees to use complex prosthetic devices. Also discussed will be the implications of providing humans with skills beyond the innate or physiologically viable."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this lecture . it is difficult , but i heard it three times so I understood very well, thank you Michael.