Collocations can be difficult to learn. Many student dictionaries do not list collocations.
This website has the Oxford Collocations Dictionary on it (click on the Oxford Collocations link on the right side of the page).
For example:
If you want to know some collocations of crazy enter this word in the box and press search.
This will bring up this page below.
OXFORD Collocations dictionary for students of English
crazy adj.
1 mad/wild
VERBS be, seem, sound go I'd go crazy if I lived here. drive sb The group's performance always drives the audience crazy.
ADV. really absolutely, completely, totally a bit, half, a little, pretty, quite, slightly
PREP. with We were crazy with excitement.
2 very angry
VERBS be go
drive sb The kids would answer back, and that
drove her crazy.
ADV. absolutely, completely
PREP. at He was crazy at me for letting the goal in.
Notice the verbs in bold. Compare this to the title of this entry; Collocations are DRIVING ME CRAZY!